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Welcome to the Very Indie Press

Established for the sole purpose of helping authors write exceptional books, self-publish— AND KEEP 100% of their royalties!

Work with a three-time award-winning author, editor, and certified master coach.

Wherever you are on your journey to get your title out there,  you don’t need to go it alone!

I will help you:

  • understand the process and structure of a successful narrative 
  • craft rich characters and convincing dialogue.
  • keep your storyline moving, build suspense, and create flow—which is important for fiction and nonfiction
  • make sure your tale has the elements readers expect in your chosen genre
  • help you incorporate tropes and use them in your meta descriptions to attract readers

And celebrate your accomplishments with you. That’s what coaches do. 😺 

And as coaches are also known to do, I’ll keep you accountable to finish your manuscript—and publish it!

Every book should be edited before publication. If your final draft is complete, choose from these services depending on your experience. If you’re not sure what you need, let’s chat and figure it out. 


  • Developmental editing 
  • Line and copyediting
  • Proofreading
  • Self-publishing

Hire an editor you can actually talk to!

I’m an author myself, and I know how frustrating it is when your editor makes all their recommendations strictly through email. 

When I edit your manuscript, I give you


  1. A document outlining my overall thoughts and suggestions
  2. Your fully edited manuscript
  3. AND we’ll schedule a Zoom call after you’ve had a chance to review my suggestions

Testimonials for Debra

…as a Writing Coach

“I had the privilege to work with Dr. Debra Blaine. She has really given me the tools to succeed in writing.  She not only inspires me by what she does but also by who she is.  She cares about your success and is honest about the steps needed to achieve your goals.  She brings a wealth of knowledge from her experiences and really shares them. This has guided me and helped me see what I need to do.  Not only is she a great writer, she is a great mentor.”


—Elizabeth AA, MD.

…as an Editor

“I am a first-time author. Suffice it to say my book was a “work in progress” when I engaged Debra.


“She put in a huge effort to make the book better including changing the sequence of chapters that dramatically improved the opening of the book. What made Debra’s work even more special was she not only acted as an editor, but also used the edits as teaching moments to not only improve this book, but my overall writing. For perspective, in addition to the over 8000 edits, there were over 700 comments – many of which helped me understand what I needed to look out for and improve on in the future.


“It was a pleasure working with Debra and I highly recommend her.”


—Hugh Schwartz, Author

The Grand Entrance

Your Book is Ready to Publish!

Now what???

You can

  1. Pitch agents, and hopefully find one within 6 months. Then hope the agent finds a publisher—which can take more months to sometimes years, and then give your book rights away to the publisher. Who may take a year or longer to get your book released. You’ll get 15% of the book’s royalties after you pay them back the $5-$10K advance they give you up front. 
  2. You can submit to a hybrid publisher and spend anywhere from $5 – $15K to get your book out there. They’ll do everything for you and take only 50% of your royalties. You’ll have the final say on all changes, but limited ability to make updates. Your book can take up to a year or longer to be released.               


  1. You can SELF-PUBLISH!

Self-publishing sounds complicated, but it’s actually pretty simple if you have a map… and a coach.


Here’s what you’ll need:

  • an editor
  • a cover designer
  • your formatted manuscript 
  • an ISBN
  • accounts set up with distributors and—your BANK ACCOUNT to collect royalties by direct deposit

You’ll be shocked at how easy it is to transform your manuscript into a book!

And since you’ll have created your own accounts with every distributor you choose to use, ALL royalties will be deposited directly into your account.


No publisher’s fees, no dividing royalties, and no double-dipping by distributors.


AND you will have direct eyes on your sales. 

Tips for Writing and Self-Publishing

Endorsements of Debra as a Publisher

“What a pleasure it is to have full control over the publishing process! Once I had my cover and my edited manuscript in hand, Debra showed me–in very clear, easy terms–how to get my novel onto multiple platforms in a matter of days. Best of all, there’s no middleman taking their cut of my hard-earned royalties.


“I subsequently used Debra’s guidance to reissue my debut novel without a publisher. Now in its second edition.




—Ellen Gelerman

Author of The Hand of Miriam, The Book of Hannah, and Hannah and Her Daughters

“I had the pleasure of working with Deb to turn my paperback book, Hoopspeak, into an Ebook. Deb is an excellent resource armed with her knowledge of self-publishing and formatting software. As a new author, I had no idea how to convert my paperback into an Ebook. Deb told me what to do to prep the document and then she transformed it. Together, we made a few adjustments, and within a couple of hours, I had an Ebook ready for distribution. Deb is passionate about helping authors and has the knowledge of the self-publishing process to back it up.


“I chose to self-publish because I wanted to keep 40-60% of my book sales as royalties vs 10% with traditional publishing. It is worth it to use Deb’s services so you can make more money on your book. When I write my next book, I will not hesitate to go to Deb for guidance!”


—Julia A Weaver, MS. ED

Author of Hoopspeak: The Xs and Os of Leading Through The Language of Basketball